Midnight at the Matinee: Mission Statement
It seems all but certain that anyone who has found themselves perusing this particular outcrop of the internet likely shares the opinion – or perhaps more accurately, the sense – that a dark and ominous force is tightening its grip around humanity.
Some may have felt this their entire lives.
Others have had the realization thrust upon them in more recent years, whether in the wake of the Covid Hoax or with the subsequent outbreaks of war, economic instability, and an increasingly ubiquitous control grid. As such, most will view our predicament through a largely political lens. For those of a more introspective disposition however, this might represent a purely psychological phenomenon, a case of species-wide delirium, while others still will regard the rise of tyranny as nothing less than the latest chapter in an ongoing, arguably even eternal, spiritual battle. Yet, no matter how far outside the narrative matrix one might fall, it is for just such readers that Midnight at the Matinee is intended.
It is the goal of this substack to shine a light on the shadowiest recesses of power – to pull back the veil on the political puppet show and expose the seldom-seen figures and nebulous forces really pulling the strings. This will involve investigations into secret government agendas and the obscure entities that drive them, explorations of human psychology as well as its intersection with the esoteric, upholding all while, a faith in the transformative potentials of Truth, Art, and the indefatigability of the human spirit.
Who is Carson McAuley?
I am a writer, researcher, freethinker, and father, originally from Northern Ireland but currently residing in the uppermost reaches of Idaho. If my work sounds of interest to you, please consider subscribing to have my latest posts delivered (for free) straight to your inbox while alternatively, if you find sufficient value in what I do, you can also help support it for as little as a cup of coffee.
Thanks ever so much for reading,