Klaus Schwab and the Men Who Molded Him (Part One)
“History is truly at a turning point. We do not yet know the full extent and the systemic and structural changes which will happen.” — Klaus Schwab (World Government Summit, March, 2022)

Over the course of the coming few years – as the supply chains break down and people watch their savings eroded into worthlessness; as the media spoon-feeds us more cover stories and politicians begin floating the notion of food rationing, GMOs, digital IDs and eventually carbon-based social credit systems – a sizeable segment of the population are going to find themselves confronted with the question, ‘Who is Klaus Schwab?’
On the face of it, this seems a pretty easy one to answer. Front-and-center of Schwab’s most substantial of résumés is his role as founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum: “an international non-governmental and lobbying organization [which] engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.” As such, Klaus has his hand in a variety of progressive causes – climate change, economic inequity, and “sustainability” just some of his key areas of concern. So too is he an author, economist, and business guru; a philanthropist, policy advisor and vocal proponent of “a kindlier capitalism”, not to mention (as the growing number of MSM fluff-pieces invariably do), Schwab’s newfound status as the cheerfully bemused subject of numerous right-wing conspiracy theories.
It is my intention, throughout the course of this series, to piece together a rather less sterilized image of the man, to go beyond his ghostwritten books and carefully constructed press releases in the hope of glancing the real motivations behind The Fourth Industrial Revolution. To do this directly is nigh on impossible. So thoroughly has the WEF purged the mainstream internet of details detrimental to their ambitions that much of Schwab’s life has been airbrushed into non-existence, fragments of his character, and thus evidence of his worldview, instead unearthed by profiling those known to have influenced him. This will include ideological allies and business mentors, college educators and even spiritual leaders, but whatever the impression any of these individuals may have left on Schwab, it is those bonded by blood with whom he bears the most striking resemblance.
“To my parents, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht who taught me firsthand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle”.
The passage above is taken from the dedication of Klaus Schwab’s recently published Stakeholder Capitalism; a book which, in essence, constitutes his manifesto for the planet’s post-Covid economy. This is the sole mention Schwab is recorded as making of his parents (or at least, the sole mention which survives in the public domain), and yet, even this brief glimpse into his inner world is only partially true.
Looking back at the time and place of Klaus’s birth – Germany, March 30th, 1938 - it is tempting to attribute the departure his biological mother to the political circumstances of the time. Certainly, Emma Gisela Tekelius Schwab was just one of many Jews to have fled to America during Germany’s pre-war years and while some reports enthusiastically adopt this line of argument, others cite her characteristic independence as well as the dissolution of her previous marriage to suggest a far more banal family break-up. Either way, Emma’s abandonment left a mother-shaped hole in infant Klaus’s life - a hole which was to be filled by Erika Epprecht, a woman far more in-keeping with the Nazi ideal and by extension, the career prospects of his father, Eugen.
Eugen Wilhelm Schwab was born in Switzerland just before the turn of the century. However, when he was just one year old, his own father, Gottfried took his wife and young child back to his native Germany so as that he might ply his trade as a machine engineer. This was to prove something of the family business. On the advice of his father – advice that he too would pass down to his sons - Eugen Schwab entered the same field of study, eventually taking up employment at a factory in Ravensburg, a town to the south of Germany, just miles from the borders of both Lichtenstein and Switzerland.
Escher-Wyss, themselves a Swiss company, first began business in the weaving trade, although it was whenever they branched out into the areas of industrial turbines and hydroelectrical power that they were to ultimately establish their reputation.
This reputation grew considerably with the outbreak of war in 1939. Under the management of Eugen Schwab, and with the benefits of being headquartered in an officially neutral nation, Escher-Wyss enjoyed the enormous profits which came with assisting the Nazi war effort, supplying the Wermacht with everything from flamethrowers to parts for fighter planes. In a less immediate sense, the company was also integral to Hitler’s quest to build an atomic bomb (manufacturing, as it did, elements necessary to production), and yet, despite Escher-Wyss’s evident importance – despite even its status as a “National Socialist Model Company” – Ravensburg was left entirely untouched by Allied bombing campaigns. The reasons for this are still much debated. While the official story insists the town was designated off-limits due to nearby humanitarian operations, it is generally accepted that its safety was ensured due to a secret agreement struck between the Nazis, Allied Forces, and unnamed individuals within the Swiss business community. This, needless to say, is a fascinating chapter of Schwabian history, one with profound implications, and so if you’re interested in delving further, please allow me to recommend this podcast by AIM Truth Bits, the hosts expertly dissecting Switzerland’s history as a nerve center for globalist scheming.
Of course, how his father’s job impacted a young Klaus is all a matter for conjecture. It would seem that Eugen’s guidance, if only in regard to career development, was either accepted or enforced within the Schwab household: both Klaus and his younger brother, Urs Reiner, going on to train as machine engineers. In the case of the better-known sibling, this was only the beginning of the academic credentials – Schwab’s plethora of University degrees bankrolled by Escher-Wyss’s head office in Zurich.
Here arises another interesting footnote. You see, it was around the time when a teenage Klaus was perusing college application forms, that Schwab the Elder was busily establishing Ravensburg’s Chamber of Commerce. This he was doing, at least in part, at the behest of the British Pilgrim’s Society, a network of Anglo-American governing and banking elites who, in collaboration with elements inside both MI6 and the CIA, were using Ravensburg as a transit hub for stolen Nazi gold. This episode represents yet another intersection between Schwab lineage and the seldom-spoken-of chapters in European history, and while Big Tech has predictably memory-holed most of the details, you can still do a little more digging into the characters involved here, here, and here.
Regardless of where the funds for Klaus’s schooling came from or even why Escher-Wyss choose to provide them, it seems reasonable to conclude that, upon his graduation, it was Eugen who helped show his son the ropes. Klaus’s first role in Escher-Wyss was as assistant to the chairman. In this position, he was charged with overseeing the company’s merger with Sulzer, another large Swiss engineering firm to have made out lavishly from the war. This achieved, he then set about enhancing their shared technological capabilities while in forging closer ties with Brown Boveri (yet another Nazi-affiliated operation), Schwab almost single-handedly transformed Escher-Wyss - now functioning under the name Sulzer AG - into a bona fide engineering juggernaut.
Klaus’s arrival also coincided with a fundamental change to the company’s business philosophy. Long considered pioneers in the field of nuclear technology, the earlier iterations of Sulzer AG had limited their contribution to manufacturing parts for power stations, yet scarcely had Schwab the Younger stepped into the fold than emphasis shifted toward a rather more sinister commodity: nuclear weapons.
Once more, the careers of Klaus and his father can be heard to echo. While it is unlikely that any group will ever surpass the Nazis’ reputation as history’s archetypal boogiemen, within more recent decades, few have endured more of wholesale condemnation than apartheid-era South Africa. Without wading into specifics of that troubled nation, it is clear what Schwab exhibited in helping arm the pariah regime was the same moral malleability his father had in equipping the Nazi war effort, behavior that would rather undermine Klaus’s current progressive persona.
But Schwab’s ancestry gets darker still. Back when Eugen was manager at the Escher-Wyss factory, he had at his disposal the collective manpower of thousands of forced laborers. These were comprised of the demographics you might expect – Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals as well as hundreds of French and Russian soldiers, Ravensburg at a time accommodating so many POWs that the Nazi’s were driven to construct Ziegelstrasse 16, one of their largest forced labor camps.
These were far from the only atrocities being played out in the background of Schwab’s most formative years. When Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses was signed into law in Germany – “The Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases” – Ravensburg quickly established itself as an epicenter for the practice, individuals with varying degrees of physical and intellectual impairments transported to the local hospital in order to undergo mandatory sterilization.
We will likely never know what a younger Schwab thought of such barbarism. Neither can we say with any certainty how often any of these topics were discussed around the dinner table. We cannot tell if Klaus ever objected to his father’s business connections or use of slave labor anymore than we can appreciate the contradictions which must have churned inside an adolescent Schwab, all along knowing the truth of his Jewish heritage while outwardly conforming to the Aryan ideal.
Perhaps – and this is arguably more troubling still – none of it fazed him. Today, Klaus no doubt cuts an unflappable figure, a man whose every inch is designed to convey an image of reason-guided competence and natural, benevolent authority. It is just such qualities, after all, which a desperate and ill-informed citizenry might wish to see in an individual offering to absolve them of their woes, and yet if only that citizenry would take the time to dust the buzzwords away from Schwab’s worldview, then they would see the same neurosis and obsessions which have always propelled the aspiring tyrant.
Transhumanism in particular, strikes such a chord. The reader likely has no need for me to point out the parallels between the experiments of Josef Mengele and Schwab’s fascination with brain implants and the metaverse, with genetically designed babies and minds uploaded to the cloud. I’m sure you have been similarly chilled by the rhetoric of Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus’s chief advisor. It might even be said that the deranged fantasies of these men far exceed those of earlier despots, technological advances having allowed them to apply their system of control not just to government, the economy, and our societies, but right down to the chromosomal level. These ideas, taken in conjunction with an avowed depopulation agenda, are nothing if not nakedly Hitlerian, Schwab’s vision of Humanity 2.0 – that microchipped, algorithmically-regulated fusion of man and machine – merely a modern rebranding of the Master Race.
But no matter how much Klaus’s genocidal convictions were informed by his upbringing, what makes the man behind The Great Reset truly dangerous is his willingness to cash in on human suffering. In the fifty years since launching the European Management Symposium (as the WEF was originally known), the forum’s founder has quietly maneuvered his wealth of business interests in order to do just that, emulating in the process an example that was so explicitly set by Eugene. But Klaus’s opportunism is greater still. Unlike his father, Schwab intends to be both a beneficiary as well as the architect of mankind’s misery, the graduates of his young Global Leaders program - agents such as Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, and Jacinda Ardern - all eager to enforce his diktats. Yes, we might call him a monster. Yes, it would be easy to make comparisons with the century’s most notorious butchers. In time, it is quite possible that Schwab’s infamy will surpass even theirs, but for now, all this ostensibly unremarkable technocrat is doing, by again placing himself at the forefront of unfolding tyranny, is following in the footsteps of Schwab family tradition.
***A special note should be made to investigative journalists Michael McKibbon and Johnny Vedmore. It really is no exaggeration to say that a majority of what the world knows about Klaus Schwab they know because of these men - a body of work I hope to add to during part two of this series, when I will examine the life of a man who shaped Schwab’s spiritual and religious beliefs.***
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This article is seriously lacking in its failure to mention the critical and essential support that the highly influential Henry Kissinger, Herman Kahn and John Kenneth Galbraith provided the young Schwab in starting the World Economic Forum. Kissinger was Schwab's mentor at Harvard. His influence upon Schwab was decisive. Kissinger's support has lasted to this day, he has attended and spoken at many meetings at DAVOS, including remotely at the latest 2023 DAVOS meeting.
See: "Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/dr-klaus-schwab-or-how-the-cfr-taught-me-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-bomb/
Also: "The Kissinger Continuum: The Unauthorized History of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program"
NAZI to see here! 🙄🙄🙄
WEFsteria: Best World Economic Forum Memes (What Happens at Davos, Stays at Davos!)
- NAZI to see about Klaus Schwab, Alex Jones was right, WEF controlled EU summed up, ready for the Hunger Games (and eating ze bugs!) and more World Economic Forum (WEF) + Klaus Schwab memes!