What I notice is that there is a lack of strong, moral, ethical men and women willing to stand up and defend life. You write so well, and the words illustrate a sickness of morally corrupt souls (John Podesta comes to mind). How in the hell did we get here? Where are those that will stop it and sacrifice everything to eliminate the deviance and corruption of life?

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Yes, and I would add that, not only is there a lack of moral people, but an actual hostility toward the few who are. I come from a generation (millennials) in which asserting that anything was morally objectionable was actively ridiculed, if not openly despised - a culture that, perhaps unsurprisingly, ended up with child drag queens.

Ah yes, John Podesta. I've been trying to work him into an article for a while but no one issue seems to sufficiently capture what a retrograde he is. Thanks ever so much for complimenting my work, it is much, much appreciated. A lot of what I write on this Substack, is an attempt to find the answers to both your questions, although admittedly, I'm not quite sure I ever get that close.

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Yes,and you keep writing,the content and views that you project, they are very important and inspiring to me and others that I share with hopefully together we can turn this ship around!

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Marxists and Maoists are among the most starry-eyed of self-liars among us, who thrive in deceit and ignorance. Anyone familiar with the realities of any such societies knows this.

That said, I interpreted Le Guin's story on a couple different levels, the micro being that of Hollywood, and the enslavement of "child-stars", many of whom are notoriously abused in many manners, often with their tattered remains left at the curbside when the next greatest thing comes along. And that can be extrapolated to all of the entertainment industry, in general, I think. I actually looked Le Guin up to see if she had been involved in that, but it doesn't seem as though she directly experienced it.

The next level is that of society in general, where the small and weak are almost always prayed upon by the large and powerful; the oligarchs and industrialists who pretend to be benefactors and benevolent masters who often use their "largesse" as a means of gain; who NEVER give without the expectation of receiving. Bill Gates "donated" million$ to the "vaccine industry" and has made billion$ in return. That is not a donation, it is investment, and he is the living embodiment of a lie.

John D. Rockefeller, the famed industrialist, was a reviled man. He was ruthless as a businessman. He became afraid at the public hatred against him and hired Ivy Lee, the "Father of Modern Public Relations" to advise him on how to endear himself to the people. Lee, a Democrat, later became an adviser to the German Nazi Party.

Overall, the Western World continues to "progress" ever downward. Many are now rightly comparing our society to that of 1920s Germany. That would be the same Germany which was known for sin and debauchery, which saw the rise of Adolf Hitler on his condemnation of the filth and abject pornography which began to dominate the social fabric there. We cannot be far off, so we must watch for a similar rise of false messiahs. In some ways, the doddering thief in the White House could justly be compared to Paul von Hindenburg, who became a feeble leader toward the end. Of course Biden is simply a hand puppet of the Cabal, and everybody knows it including Vladimir Putin.

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Great comment. In regards to Marxists and Maoists being “the most starry-eyed of self-liars”, I couldn’t agree more, at least after a fashion. I’ve spent a significant portion of my life in countries that could be described as some variation of socialist, and while falsity and falsehoods were ubiquitous, neither could I have said people were lying in the traditional sense of the word - rather, it was that society had developed a grossly distorted, and ever malleable concept of truth. It really was terrifying.

As for your comments about Le Guin, yeah, I really wanted to work in the careers of Britney Spears, Hannah Montana, Lindsay Logan, et al. to show how the corporate world in general, Disney in particular, are brazen groomers. I can only assume parents just stick their kids down in front of a screen nowadays, and don’t bother to vet what they’re watching. I can’t imagine anyone not being dismayed by what’s on there.

I only recently came across Ivy Lee. I’d written an article about Edward Bernays, who you’re likely familiar with, and a couple of readers suggested I delve into his life, and wow, it was fascinating. I really want to write something about Lee, but I just need to find an angle that hasn’t been done before.

That, sadly, is a very apt comparison, especially Biden/Von Hindenburg, so much so I’m surprised I haven’t heard it before. But as degenerate as 1920s Germany might have been, frankly, whenever I see stories like Desmond, I struggle to think what could’ve been going on in Sodom and Gomorrah that was really so much worse.

Anyways, thanks for your comment, it was enjoyed.

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Ivy Lee is considered by many to be the father of modern PR. He famously turned around John D. Rockefeller's reputation (it was his idea to toss silver dollars to people), and taught the Nazis everything they knew about it. There is some level of difference with some people about whether Bernays was more influential. And one of his claims to fame was NOT having worked for the Nazis even though his mother likely was one, and he was originally from Austria.

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This piece hit me hard Carson, especially at the end,I cry for all of us and especially for the little boy in the closet.

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Thanks for taking the time to say so, Kurt. And yes, this topic hit me hard too. I was actually about 70% through another article on an entirely different topic when I saw a post about Desmond in my feed. I'd seen the video before, but for some reason, it turned my stomach more than ever and so I just kind of rolled with it. I just don't know how our society can look at this kid and not be disgusted by itself.

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Sometimes I try to get a sense of what’s really going on in the world today with all the noise coming from every direction and I’m comforted in knowing that there are young fathers out there like you standing in the breach with the knowledge of what is truly right and what is coming. I have this feeling that we as a nation are like those on the titanic still oblivious to our fate even after hitting the iceberg and with no where to go partying on until the ship starts to list.

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That's kind of you, and yes, there are times when I look around at men and women my age, very few of whom have kids, and I have to question whether they are sufficiently invested in the future to really fight for it. I totally understand what you mean with your Titanic analogy, but with that said, I'm generally finding myself more optimistic these days. This ultimately boils down to the the fact that there seems just too many people, who know too much, and who are way, way too energized to simply roll over. Anyway, keep the chin up, my friend; there's more of us than we know.

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