I appreciate your analysis of the human response to the COVID story (lie), and how it must have pleased our masters (presumed masters), TPTB. While I do not expect to remember Kohlberg's hierarchy of reasoning, I suspect I will recognize it in others. Thank you very much!

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Honestly, conceptualizing things in the manner of Kohlberg's hierarchy really helped process the behavior of those around me. I really don't like being angry at people and thinking in this mode helping me view my COVID hysterical loved ones in terms that were infinitely more human. It legitimately came as an enormous relief to me, and it was ultimately the hope of spreading that feeling which prompted me to write the article in the first place.

I'm sincerely glad you enjoyed.

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My solution has been to keep my distance, try not to worry (hah!), and avoid talking about covid with almost everyone, since I never know in advance how they will respond. I try to just mention "the covid story" and leave it at that. So far no one has challenged me on that phrase, perhaps they are into avoidance themselves. I guess I do not try to talk with loved ones because I do not know how to handle hysteria. I am sympathetic, but mostly I live in fear they will be severely injured or dead, both equally awful.

Congratulations on finding a way to be helpful and calm. And thank you for writing the essay.

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Good outlook on the situation. Which has to be taken seriously if one values life and freedom.

I heard about Piaget's work from JBP. Havent heard of Kohlberg before, he seems to be right tho with his gradation. According to him I would be level 5 at the start of plandemic.

Now imagine when you start adding developed intuition to the abilities which allow for impeccable decision making. One can avoid having almost any wrong decisions, regardless of how much input one has before having to decide.

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Thanks for taking the time to read. Yes, I'd first heard about Piaget via JBP as well, and he's certainly a really interesting figure. And you're totally right about a developed intuition. What I didn't include in the article is that Kohlberg actually theorized a seven level of morality which I believe was called "celestial morality" or something like. He never actually found anyone who had attained such a level, but I think it's along the lines of what you are referring to.

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Cheers Carson! How cool is that we both heard of Piaget at the same time?

Must be a kind of synchronicity eh? ;) You not mentioning that seventh level and me leaving the only comment which somehow alludes to it.... nice!

That is why a huge lot of science is always lacking depth and insight, because scientists are anchored in pure materialism and dont take into account all that humans can be capable of. I firmly believe that we are creators of our own reality and that we need to push ourselves in that direction.

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Your comment prompted me to look for two quotes, neither of which I could find. The first was by Kohlberg in which he mentioned the possibility of a seventh level of moral development. It was pretty abstract but nevertheless, certainly something interesting to ponder.

The other was by Tesla in which he said mankind would develop more in ten years by studying non-material reality than they would throughout the entirety of what might be referred to as ‘ the cult of science’. Our perspectives are so narrow that I fundamentally believe human consciousness exists within a mazework of prisons; it sounds like you might suspect something similar.

Apologies also about the delay in reply – I’ve had a few things to catch up on over Labor Day Weekend.

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To add, it just hit me that humanity is still in the "stone age of science". And I think if we dont turn the tide soon we wont have much collective chance for advancing. So maybe it will be the dystopic future in the cities, and an attempt at peaceful living in communes by non-jabbed healthy people who will say no to smart cities and digital transhumanism. And who knows which way that scenario can go. The movie terminator comes to mind, something of that nature where the urban zombified people turn cyborg and start to hunt us for various reasons. Maybe in this scenario we would have some resources which could even defeat the urban cancer once and for all time. Idk, I like to imagine a nice future so that I can help create it and Id rather avoid any of "sf" dystopia which infected the whole world via tv and books. And Ive read so much of it when in my thirties, mostly in English. It took me a decade to clean myself from that and being a junkie for shallow hollywood entertainment wasting time while being subtly indoctrinated/programmed for self-destruction. Phew :)

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If you come across Kohlbergs quote post it here.

I was always interested in human psychology. But I really dove in at the start of plandemic because I really needed to understand the society I live in. So I found out about different levels of cognitive understanding and that most people are stuck at lower levels and are therefore prone to manipulation. I also suspected that the rullers of society intentionally made people turn into psychotic nerve wrecks without self respect, which turned out to be truth. So I found out about so called "black psychology" (constant changing of rules, contradicting information bombardment via msmedia) and mass psychosis formation hypothesis came out a year later. And I concluded that people who are kept at low cognitive levels just are not able to have proper insights into reality. Which is why I know that mass revolution in the streets is not the way we will win this war and that probably it will come down to everyone for himself scenario. Especially if there are no platforms for free like minded people to organize themselves, as is the case in Croatia. Parallel structures and economy are the only solution and these concepts have only started to enter peoples minds. Idk, Im still optimistic, at least for my own security and future.

Tesla said: "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in a decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence"

Indeed, our perspectives could be much broader and deeper. Which is why I started searching for knowledge one can call "Shamanic spiritual". That is the part that materialist science is lacking and why scientific insights tend to be of shallow and short lasting nature. Abrahamic religions made sure this knowledge is hidden and they destroyed so much we already had, thankfully we have the ability to revive it. And modern science claims are often refuted every few years, if not faster. Another problem is science that is its own purpose just to get grants and free money, dark matter being a good example. also, academia is ego and vanity driven affair. For new breakthrough findings to be implemented one has to wait until the old guard of scientists all die. How can humanity evolve in this situation? Well, we see what path humanity is on and that it is even capable of devolving, while constantly making the same mistakes. Along with the need to have more freedom, for me this is the main reason to create something different and better. In every aspect of human experience.

Excuse my bad syntax, I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

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I once again apologise for the delay in reply – after writing an article the length and scope of this one, I just needed some time away from the computer. I hope you understand.

Anyway, to address a couple of your points:

I have still not been able to locate Kohlberg’s quote and it is genuinely driving me crazy. As I said before, he used the term “celestial morality” so you might be able to stumble across it by searching in and around that area. It was a fascinating concept and I’m kicking myself for not taking note of the site I found it on.

You speak of cognitive understanding and that is unquestionably a factor. But as I’m sure you’ll appreciate, intelligence is far from the only issue at play. I’ve seen smart people fall for every piece of propaganda the MSM churn out and morons see right through the bullshit. To be honest, I really have no idea how to interpret it, but personally, whenever I observe those around me, it’s as though certain groups of people possess frequencies which they resonate at. I like to think of people who saw the covid hoax for what it was as like those dogs who flee an area days before an earthquake. They know but they don’t know how they know.

Yes, you’re entirely right; parallel societies are the only option. I’m not sure where in the world you live, but I’ve been able to connect with a few like-minded people in my area via Telegram and am now able to form networks with people on the ground. It you use the app, you might find it similarly worthwhile.

And finally, there is no need to apologise, your syntax is very good. If anything, I’m sorry that I am an uncultured monoglot and cannot read your own substack which I have no doubt is very interesting.

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Is this the author at the end treating Gates like he's a prophet?! Then asking him for advice?!?! If he can't see who Gates really is, he has No moral compass at all.

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I assure you, literally the opposite. Gates is a genocidal little goblin.

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Jan 30, 2023
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Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed.

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Jan 28, 2023Edited
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There must be something much deeper going on in the Canadian psyche. What is it?

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That is all tragically accurate.

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