Some Stuff I Think You Might Like #5
A regular round-up of all the best articles, videos, and podcasts that probably didn’t make your newsfeed.
Just yesterday, someone in my real life asked me - in perfect civility, I hasten to add - why I continue to refer to Covid as a hoax, even while acknowledging that I myself had the virus. Well, first of all, I acknowledge nothing. On the topic of whether Covid was born in a lab or in the boardrooms of a Deep State propaganda machine, I am functionally agnostic. The ideological underpinnings of western civilization have been blown apart, and whether they were blown apart by a lie or merely a grotesque exaggeration seems to me almost wholly irrelevant - a conviction that would only be solidified if my feverish week of flu-but-quite-not-the-flu was ever confirmed as the ‘rona.
Nevertheless, I tried to be gracious. Of course, it would’ve been easy to waste my Friday dissecting for my cable news-watching acquaintance the scattered remnants of the official narrative, but ultimately, the reason I call Covid a hoax (as opposed to a grift, fraud, psychological operation, or war crime) is because it is vital for society to accept that it was fooled. Ego, far more than any rational consideration, is what is preventing most people from truly coming to terms with the scale of the deception, and with the government guilty, the MSM, Hollywood, and Big Tech all complicit, it is once more left to independent media and independent creators such as these, to illuminate corners the elite would prefer unexamined:
1. "Are We Being Hypnotized, And Do We Like It?" - A Conversation with Professor Mattias Desmet
Although it might have been Dr. Robert Malone who popularized the phrase “Mass Formation Psychosis” while appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience, it is Dr. Mattias Desmet who has been arguably most responsible for defining it. Working as a professor of psychology at Ghent University but also possessing a background in statistics, he was among the first to notice and then map out the propaganda-fueled hysteria which, for nigh on two years, threatened to consume the planet. Certainly, on an individual level, I’m sure most readers have seen friends and family who were consumed by it - the shrieking adherence to social distancing guidelines, the frothing contempt for dissenters - Dr. Desmet’s providing both fascinating psychological explanations for and historical manifestations of this actively encouraged insanity.
2. A New Generation of US-Trained Extremists is Fighting Russia. Are We Prepared for the Blowback? - TJ Miles
In the last few entries of my Some Stuff I This You Might Like series, I have recommended articles which highlight the clear parallels between US involvement in Ukraine, and in the Middle East. Both conflicts are, in essence, proxy wars against Russia, American taxpayer money used both to train and arm groups few American taxpayers would want to see trained or armed. This approach, it hardly needs repeating, has directly contributed to a litany of terrorist attacks throughout the last two decades, homegrown Jihadists travelling to Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan (where they receive instruction by western military personnel), only to commit atrocities upon their return. Here, The Grayzone argues that something similar many occur with Ukraine, this time with the thousands of Americans (many with known neo-Nazi sympathies) who have joined or at least fought alongside the now notorious Azov Battalion.
US intelligence agencies have allowed an open-door policy for veterans, militia, and fascists to travel to Ukraine and its neighbors to kill as many Russian soldiers as possible. The FBI monitors some of the combatants, intervenes in some cases, but typically does nothing. The DHS allows the foreign fighters to travel and return with minimal obstruction. The US charity, Volunteers for Ukraine, is one of the organizations that provides a veneer of legitimacy for the operations that otherwise include extremists.
In Ukraine, meanwhile, US Special Forces are training the National Guard and other regular units, thereby providing a further layer of professional cover. However, with US training, some of these regulars go on to train far-right and Nazi paramilitaries; some Ukrainian, some American.

3. On Scientism - Winston Smith
As far as propaganda slogans go (and God knows, we’ve heard a lot of them over the last couple years), few have been more transparent as ‘Trust the Science™’. Scarcely had the phrase dribbled out of Fauci’s mouth then it came to represent, not society’s unwavering adherence to the scientific method, but rather the public’s blind obedience to his demonstrably corrupt, profit-driven institutions.
This piece, a joint effort between Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, explores how scientism – a dogmatic ideology, tantamount to a secular religion - has infiltrated and subverted almost every branch of the scientific establishment. The rot runs from academia all the way to field’s media mouthpieces, a coup which has been aided, abetted, and bankrolled by a familiar cast of billionaire ‘philanthropists’.
Corruption is a high-stakes game played by the pharmaceutical complex, without which we might actually have a functioning healthcare system that improves public health. Whether it be concealing or fudging prior knowledge about drugs’ adverse effects to maximize profits, publishing junk clinical trials, buying off legislators, or engaging in devious retaliatory efforts to pressure and silence critics, these are only the costs of doing business that keep drug companies’ and Wall Street’s coffers overflowing. And this corporate culture of deception has the full approval of governments’ health ministries and the World Health Organization. Today our lives are at the mercy of a powerful cartel of medical bureaucrats in white physician coats intent on protecting a corporate-based inquisition to stifle dissent.
4. Mass vaccination & climate change: A curious agenda at Russia's Davos - Edward Slavsquat
According to his bio, Edward Slavsquat is the pen name of one Riley Waggaman, an American journalist living in Moscow who has worked for Russia Today, Russia Insider, and Press TV. Originally, his Substack concentrated on how the Covid “crisis” materialized throughout the country. However, as with most who dived down this rabbit hole, it wasn’t long before he stumbled across Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, as well as the reality of the coming New World Order.
Waggaman’s perspective is an important one, not least because it offers insight into Russia’s (and particularly Putin’s) relationship with globalist institutions like the WHO and WEF - a dynamic far more complex, and often contradictory, than most westerners imagine.
5. Monopoly - Tim Gielen
One of the most infuriating aspects of trying to wake people up to the Great Reset is that global corporate takeovers are, by their very nature, kind of intrinsically unbelievable. At times, it can feel as though Yuval Noah Harari and other WEF weirdos almost play up to this caricature, Klaus Schwab’s “you vill eet ze bugs!” schtick so stereotypically Bond villain, if he were actually cast in a movie, critics would pan it as cliched.
Indeed, this is precisely what Tim Gielen’s documentary does so well - stripping away all the narrative behind the Great Reset, and showing how, in real, observable terms, such a comprehensive power grab is not only possible, but is actually currently unfolding. This, for anyone who doesn’t mind a spoiler alert, is down to just two companies, Vanguard and Blackrock, who collectively own - as unfathomable as it may sound - almost everything on earth.
6. In Memory of Those Who Have “Died Suddenly” - Mark Crispin Miller
Regardless of how oblivious anyone might be to the dangers of the so-called Covid “vaccine,” it seems unlikely they haven’t so much as raised an eyebrow at the fact that a lot of young, ostensibly healthy people have been just kind of dying recently. Even more suspicious than this pandemic of sudden, totally inexplicable death, is the media’s abject incuriosity, Mark Crispin Miller of News from the Underground, keeping us up-to-date will the most notable of these untimely deaths from around the world.

7. Rust on the Iron Pentagon - John Carter
One of the things I most admire about John Carter, writer of Postcards from Barsoom, is the staggering amount of material he is able to pump out. Certainly, if you enjoy my work enough to subscribe, you will probably appreciate what he does - especially if your reading habits are more voracious than my comparatively meager output can satiate.
John’s latest article is characteristically excellent, examining the symbolism implicit in the presidency, and examining how, on this front too, Biden has been an incompetent, incontinent, intentionally demoralizing disaster.
By putting Biden in office, the oligarchy projects the image that they are past their sell-by date: decadent, decaying, lacking in morals, principles, or talent, no longer sure what year it is or even who his wife is. Even at the height of his personal power (such as it ever was), Biden was always a joke, a glad-handing, insincere, tongue-tied, petty crook who couldn't even run his pissant little scams right. At least the Bush II mafia were men to be feared.
8. Some Shameless Self-Promotion
One piece of advice that Substack gives writers still establishing their newsletter is to send multiple copies so as to ensure subscribers do not miss it amid the daily deluge. Frankly, this sounds annoying, and so instead of clogging up your inbox, I’ll instead offer a link to my latest feature article, as well as fair warning that it very well might sap you of whatever joy might have remained in your day.
“Now, it goes without saying that Desmond Napoles’s prison cell is not quite so literal. In fact, far from being hidden away from the world, he is paraded shamelessly in front of it, in skimpy skirts and whorish, fluttering eyelashes, offered up like the Hijra, the child eunuchs of South Asia who, once castrated and celebrated in flower-strewn parades, are cast out into poverty and lives of squalid prostitution. And truthfully, I don’t know how Desmond suffers. What must be going on in that young, intentionally befuddled mind, none of us can really say, and yet what I do know is that his mother sees as surely as his manager sees as surely as the psychopaths who do his make-up see, that this boy is being sacrificed to satiate the delusions of adults.”
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