Some Stuff I Think You Might Like #11
A regular round-up of all the best articles, videos, and podcasts that probably didn’t make your newsfeed.
If you are the type of person who frequents the derided outer reaches of the internet – and by stumbling across this article, I have to assume that you are – then it seems almost certain you’ve been noticing more and more memes such as the one above coursing through your newsfeed. You know the type: virtual salutes to your unvaccinated brethren, congratulating your fellow purebloods for holding the line… I’ve posted rather a few myself. But while it is no doubt important to celebrate our victories, and while it’s only sensible to acknowledge which convictions have prevailed, so too am I wary of the tempting fiction that those of us on the “conspiracy theorist” side of the aisle possess some divinely-inspired insight our quadruple-vaxxed, Zelensky-loving compatriots do not.
After all, most of us aren’t actually predicting anything. Sure, there might be a few hardcore political wonks crunching the numbers and weighing up all potential outcomes, but in reality, such forethought is seldom required. I mean, it’s not as if today’s aspiring tyrants are secretive about their plans. Not only do they tell us, openly and unambiguously, what they intend to do with us, they also broadcast how they intend to do it - the behavior of our self-appointed rulers suddenly a lot more comprehensible when you eschew the mealy-mouthed obfuscations of the MSM and instead tune in to truth-telling independent content creators like these:
1. The Boer: A Dutch Farmer Rebellion
Ever since the Canadian Trucker protests have subsided, the next focal point of the global pushback against The Great Reset has emerged out of the Netherlands where, in an ostensibly unrelated but intimately intertwined move, WEF-aligned Prime Minister Mark Rutte has decreed farmers must cull their livestock and dramatically reduce food production – a measure that would decimate the industry. Needless to say, this has nothing to do with the nitrogen emissions the globalists might claim. This Davos-directed sabotage is solely and exclusively an attempt to drive farmers from their land in order to make room for housing migrants, erecting so-called ‘green industries, as well as the development of GMOs. More chilling still, is that these are changes which Schwab and his cohorts wish to see implemented everywhere, this new documentary from Rebel Media exposing the true agenda unfolding on ground zero in humanity’s ongoing fight against tyranny.
As always, I’ve included the Youtube link due to ease of embed, but you can also watch it on less censorious platforms like Bitchute, Ugetube, and Rumble.

2. Gods from the Machine? - John Waters
For my money, John Waters is one of the most articulate and by extension, underappreciated writers on Substack. For years, the Irish journalist has been arguably the premier heterodox voice within his country, this most recent article tackling a subject which really needs to be far closer to the front and center of our collective consciousness: transhumanism.
Without shying away from the imminent realities of brain implants, nanotechnologies, genetically-engineered babies, and the metaverse, the author instead chooses to address the moral, emotional, psychological, and indeed spiritual changes which first must be precipitated before humanity surrenders to the fate the elites have designed for us. This, contends Waters, was what lay behind the establishment’s relentless promotion of secular atheism over the last decade or so, the newly vacated position of God intended to be filled by those with the key to the algorithm.
Posthumanism, when it arrives, will do exactly what it says on the tin. It amounts, essentially, to the blocking of the power of the embodied soul, which is the essence of the human. The soul is the immune system of the human being most fundamentally appraised, so that its healthy operation makes it impossible for the tech pathogens to penetrate and do their worst. This is why genuinely religious people (not bishops, for example) have been foremost in opposing the Covid assault. They tend to have stronger anthropological 'instincts' (this capacity is, generally speaking, innate, though it can be honed in such as Catechism class and Sunday School.) That is to say that their sense of the human essence as an eternal, non-modifiable unity tends to be foremost in the self-understanding of those who immediately smelled rat from the corpus of the Covid project.
3. Peter Nygard: The Canadian Jeffrey Epstein - Pepe Lives Matter
While there are likely few individuals who will ever embody the decadence and depravity of the ruling establishment more than Jeffery Epstein (and while the MSM are busily presenting him as some autonomous anomaly), the sad, sickening reality is that Bill Clinton’s BFF was but a single player in a global network of perverts.
Written by alt-media stalwart Pepe Lives Matter, this article profiles one of Epstein’s sickest contemporaries, the Canadian fashion executive, Peter Nygard. Of course, it would be easy to get bogged down in the sordid details of his life – the rape, the sex trafficking, the blackmail of influential figures. Rather, the value in this piece lies in that, by focusing on Nygard’s deranged quest for immortality vis-à-vis aborted fetuses, so too does the author highlight the level of egotism which abounds among the elites – an egotism which, when accompanied by fantastical wealth and unmitigated power, is capable of virtually any barbarism imaginable.
When it comes to Peter Nygard he is a blatant red pill. You could put him side by side with many of the people who had a controlling stake in our old system and have difficulty distinguishing any differences. Someone who is not aware of how corrupt the system is would do well to learn from his life. This same scenario played out over and over. The scenery may change, but the foundation is still there. Peter Nygard bought out politicians, loomed over any opposition with the threat of death or an “accident,” sought immortality off the blood of children, and sexually raped women and children. Long-time researchers and anons know how often this has happened. In past years, they lived in relative comfort, committing their crimes in the shadows. But the rise of social media and independent media, the free-thinking anon, has severely hampered their chances of not being exposed to the light.
4. Bill Gates is quietly carrying out a sinister plan to force you to eat Fake Meat - The Expose
It can hardly have escaped too many people’s notice how, over the past few months, the media has been on a mission to normalize some decidedly abnormal eating habits. This has been most apparent with the sudden spate of pieces extolling the nutritional merits of crickets, mealworm, and locusts, while somehow, the editors at the New York Times saw no issue greenlighting this article advocating for – I shit you not – cannibalism.
There is, self-evidently, a pretty dark agenda at play and surprise-surprise, Bill Gates is once again in the perfect position to profit. After investing in vaccines just prior to the outbreak of an alleged pandemic, the bespectacled harbinger of death has now turned his attention to GMOs before an impending food shortage, The Expose doing a characteristically excellent job uncovering what this genocidal little hobgoblin has planned.
WEF has partnered with the EAT Forum, which will set the political agenda for global food production. The EAT Forum was cofounded by the Wellcome Trust, which in turn was established with the financial help of GlaxoSmithKline.
EAT collaborates with nearly 40 city governments across Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America and Australia, and maintains close relationships with imitation meat companies such as Impossible Foods. Gates is also a supporter of The Great Reset, which is curious since his massive accumulation of wealth and land is the opposite of what The Great Reset promotes.
In truth, wealthy technocrats will not redistribute their own wealth during the reset, but will only continue to grow their financial empires as the rest of the world consents to giving up their privacy and ownership of all property.
5. 2nd Smartest Guy in the Room
The 2nd Smartest Guy in the Room is a one-man curation machine. So too is he an insatiable reader. If you’re the type to browse news headlines throughout the day, this most tireless of Substackers will send you all the best, most relevant articles as they are published without the need for subscribing to a multitude of writers. Aside from keeping you abreast with the day’s developments, The 2nd Smartest Guy in the Room is also a great means of discovering talent you otherwise wouldn’t, while he also occasionally produces some quality investigative journalism of his own.
6. Backlash: How the vaccine pushers turned true believers into vaccine sceptics - Robyn Chuter
In light of everything we’ve learned about the medical establishment over the last two and a bit years, whether it’s the abject cowardice of its foot soldiers or the staggering greed and callousness exhibited by those at the head of the snake, if you’re anything like me, you may well be reevaluating your opinions on vaccines – and not just the Covid shot, but all of them.
Delving into the seldom-spoken of and instinctively-dismissed reality of the vaccine-industrial complex, author Robyn Chuter shines a light on the bully boy tactics employed by Big Pharma as well as the curiously religious bent to our secular society’s veneration of ‘The Science’. I’ve linked to the third and, in my opinion, best part in her series, but I assure you, the two preceding installments are every bit as eye-opening.
As Bret Weinstein has pointed out, the application of the scientific method requires a steadfast commitment to attempting to disconfirming your own hypothesis – even, and especially, if you desperately want to prove that it’s correct.
However, the system by which scientific work is funded requires scientists to effectively become salespeople for their hypotheses in order to win grants, which prevents them from thinking and functioning as scientists. Furthermore, peer review – developed as a quality control assurance mechanism to ensure poorly-conducted or fraudulent science doesn’t get published – was revealed by the Climategate scandal to have devolved into a system for suppressing any voices of dissent from the dominant paradigm.
7. Some Shameless Self-Promotion
After five previous parts of my Klaus Schwab and the Men Who Molded Him series, I must admit to feeling more than a little burned out. As readers who have caught any of the previous installments might be able to appreciate, such articles require a hell of a lot of time, first to investigate and then simply to write - none more so than the currently-in-the-works final chapter profiling Schwab’s chief advisor, Yuval Noah Harari. Because let me tell you, they bury the dirt deep on that contemptible little weirdo so, unless there’s mass dissent in the comment section, I’m going to take a brief respite from all things Schwab in order to clear my mind with something slightly less research-intensive.
I’m presently piecing together a project which examines how Kohlberg’s Scale of Moral development might be used to explain many of the bizarre societal behaviors we’ve seen in the post-scamdemic years. To be honest, I’m rather ironing out the kinks as I go, but in the meantime and in case you missed it, please consider checking out my recent exploration into the life of Herman Kahn, a giant within the field of futurism and a man who would equip Schwab with the skills to extend the WEF’s power into every corner of the planet.
What most enshrines Kahn’s legacy within the public consciousness, however, not least through Stanley Kubrick’s cinematic depiction, was his apparent relish in preempting what these post-apocalyptic horrors might look like. Writing in On Thermonuclear War in addition to plenty of his ensuing publications, the 300 pound Mega-mind vividly outlined how stillbirths would become an accepted part of life as well as suggesting that survivors may need to designate contaminated food sources for the elderly on the basis that they would die before being inconvenienced by the effects of the radiation. Because no matter how unfathomable the carnage, at the heart of Kahn’s thesis, is the view that, even if civilization was plunged into a new dark age which lasted for ten thousand years, life would ultimately go on, just as it had gone on after each of the previous catastrophes humanity had endured. Besides, he rather glibly concluded, if the US was incapable of truly confronting the realities of nuclear war, then what precisely were they hoping to achieve by so boldly advertising its willingness to attack?
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